Independent Advice
We are not a software or hardware reseller - we are not tied to specific products or vendors; our aim is only to advise what we believe will be a best fit for your business - whether that is a new investment, or simply to help you get the best out of your current systems or processes.
Many businesses state on their websites and social media, that they are proud to be independent – and we know exactly what they mean! But what does it mean to be independent? And how does that transfer to giving customers the very best services they can have.
Independent actually means “Free from outside control; not subject to another’s authority”. Arguably this can apply to many businesses, especially those that have stayed true to their roots - like Merus IT Services! We operate in a world where IT businesses grow through acquisition - it seems to be a daily occurrence to hear about a multi-million pound take-overs another company (making an even bigger company and monopoly). We almost become immune to it. By being independent, our business can be a real factor when potential customers consider outsourcing IT services.
For us, being an independent business means we are not held to account by a larger corporation. we can make our own decisions – without having to put them through another party. We do not need to fufil any quota to maintain status a specific supplier. We use the suppliers we find the best and are most reliable – this may not be the cheapest, but they competitive! Many larger non-independent companies are tied to specific suppliers or product manufacturers. While this may mean your licenses or infrastructure may be sligtly cheaper - because of their larger buying power, the level of customer service and personal attention to customer needs cannot match those of a smaller independent company lie ours. Of course, bear in mind larger companies often need to maintain a specific margin, so they may not always go for the best or most aprropriate for a customer's needs!
There is a worrying trend with massive companies that instead of a customer, you are simply a number. At Merus IT Services we pride ourselves on our customer service so this will not happen, being independent means we can deliver the service you would expect!
We sometimes hear "Will it really benefit us as customers" (or potential customers)? For our existing customers hopefully, it already does! We want to keep our customer service personal and it’s our ethos to put you at the forefront of everything we do. We know that the very heart of our business is our customers, without whom we wouldn’t have a business! Individual and personal care is everything, and we know that no two projects are the same, so each one is specifically designed to encompass your needs, budget, and requirements. Every project is tailored to your specific requirements – and we won’t install equipment or sell you licenses you have no need for. So, us being independent really does benefit you, we need to be on top of everything we do, as we have no-one above to help! We are a local company working right across the UK and beyond and a testament to the service we provide is the repeat clients we have.
If you have a project in mind and have decided that as an independent company with our commitment and dedication to projects interest you, the next stage is for us to discuss all your requirements. Our friendly team will speak at a mutually convenient time and together we can deliver exactly what you need. Working together is of paramount importance to us – we are not here to tell you what to do, it is your requirements as a business that is important. The best projects work well with co-operation and careful planning. A non-independent company might find this more challenging as they are costing for the quickest completion in the leanest timescale – keeping their shareholders happy and profits higher.
Communication is key and the most important early stage of any project, and something our team is immensely skilled at – to get the project off the ground within your timescales and budget.
Please get in touch with us about your project, our independent team is ready for your call.